About Us
Toronto-based Catastrophe Indices and Quantification Inc. (CatIQ) is a subsidiary of Zurich-based PERILS AG and delivers detailed analytical and meteorological information on Canadian natural and human-made catastrophes.
Through its online subscription-based platform, CatIQ combines comprehensive insured loss and exposure indices and other related information to better serve the needs of the insurance / reinsurance / ILS industries, public sector and other stakeholders.
CatIQ was established in 2014 with the support of the overwhelming majority of the Canadian insurance and reinsurance industry and is widely recognized as the most reliable source of catastrophe loss information in Canada.

Figures And Facts
of FSA/CRESTA-level data in CatIQ’s Industry Exposure Database
CatIQ has served the industry since 2014
There are more than 190 events in CatIQ’s catastrophe loss database
c $27.5 b
In CAT losses since 2014 (as of September 2024)
The majority of the industry in Canada supports CatIQ’s work

Laura Twidle
President & CEOCatIQ

Caroline Floyd
Advisory Committee Members

Claudette Cantin
SVP, Chief Actuary & CROMunich Re Canada

Dennis Chua
Senior Vice President, Head of Canadian and Caribbean Catastrophe ManagementAon

Dipika Deol
Senior Client ManagerSwiss Re

Phil Donelson
Director, Catastrophic Risk & Climate PolicyInsurance Bureau of Canada

Lisa Fazzari
Chief Claims OfficerFarm Mutual Re

Caroline Floyd

Glenn McGillivray
Managing DirectorICLR

Ken Mok
EVPGallagher Re Canada

Kelly O’Neill
AVP, Natural Catastrophe Pricing AnalystSCOR

Christoph Oehy

Anya Sri-Skanda-Rajah
Managing DirectorGuy Carpenter

James Roberts
VP - Technical UnderwritingZurich Canada

Laura Twidle
President & CEOCatIQ

Dan Vanderploeg
Director, Corporate Actuarial Services (Valuation and Reinsurance)Co-operators Group

Rebecca Wagner
Associate Director, Prediction Services. Operations CentreMSC, ECCC
Catastrophe Indices and Quantification Inc. (CatIQ) is a subsidiary of Zurich-based PERILS AG